Hi guys,
I got a sql script from database, as shown below, it seems like resend the email,but this script takes 15s every time, it affects the performance of database, I want to know how to optimize this functionality,
appreciate for your help!
(@StateCode0 int,@StatusCode0 int,@DirectionCode0 bit,@DeliveryAttempts0 int,@ParticipationTypeMask0 int,@PartyId0 uniqueidentifier,@PartyId1 uniqueidentifier,@PartyId2 uniqueidentifier,@PartyId3 uniqueidentifier)select
top 5 "email0".Subject as "subject"
, "email0".Description as "description"
, "email0".PriorityCode as "prioritycode"
, "email0".ActivityId as "activityid"
, "email0".ModifiedOn as "modifiedon"
, "email0".StateCode as "statecode"
, "email0".StatusCode as "statuscode"
, "email0".DeliveryAttempts as "deliveryattempts"
, "email0".AttachmentCount as "attachmentcount"
, convert(bigint, "email0".VersionNumber) as "versionnumber"
, N'' as "safedescription"
Email as "email0" WITH (NOLOCK) join ActivityParty as "activityparty1" WITH (NOLOCK) on ("email0".ActivityId = "activityparty1".ActivityId and (((("activityparty1".ParticipationTypeMask = @ParticipationTypeMask0 and ("activityparty1".PartyId in (@PartyId0
, @PartyId1
, @PartyId2
, @PartyId3)))))))
(("email0".StateCode = @StateCode0 and ("email0".StatusCode != @StatusCode0 or "email0".StatusCode is null) and "email0".DirectionCode = @DirectionCode0 and (((((("email0".DeliveryAttempts = @DeliveryAttempts0)))))))) order by
"email0".ActualEnd asc