1. Please check if the users are added to the respective positions.
2. While enabling the hierarchy security - select Custom Position Hierarchy not Manager hierarchy
3. Ensure that Lead entity is not excluded from hierarchy.
Hello Harish,
Thank you for this. I tried doing the same earlier and and it didn't worked. I have created a Positional Hierarchy as you explained above and to User Smith I have given security role to access leads on Business Unit level:
After which when I login with smith user, I could not see Edward leads.
Can you please help how smith can view just Edward leads.
Yes, this can be achieved using positional hierarchy.
1. Enable the position hierarchy.
Refer this link to enable the position hierarchy docs.microsoft.com/.../hierarchy-security
2. Go to Settings -> Security -> Positions -> Create 2 positions as in the below screenshot
3. Add Smith to CEO and add Edward to Sales Person positions respectively.
4. Map CEO as Parent Position for Sales Person When you view hierarchy this should look like as below
5. Ensure that the Security roles assigned to Smith does not give him permission to view all the leads in the organization
For Tony, you can achieve it by making Test 2 BU as parent BU of Test 1 and give the Vice President security role with Parent Child Business Unit level permission on Leads entity.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Harish M
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