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Business rules require deactivating and activating to work after each deploy.

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Hi! I work in a project managing a D365 CRM. We have plenty of business rules and they (mostly) work fine except a few (3 at the moment) that require deactivation and then activation to work properly. 

The most recent one is is super simple. 

If Contact type is X -> Hide Field Y and Z. It works 100% fine in our Development environment but as soon as we deploy to another environment they don't seem to work  despite being in status: Activated. 

As soon as I deactivate and then activate the business rule it works as intended in the Test environment. 

I have to do this after every single deploy and in every environment we deploy to. 
Pipeline is Dev->Test-Acceptance test ->Production and this rule exists in every environment by now but still require deactivation + activation to work properly. 

I've tried altering scope of the rule. Made sure that there are no similiar rule/another rule working on the same fields but there are none as far as I can find.

Has anybody else had this problem and if so, what did you do?
  • Nilsbergstroom Profile Picture
    Nilsbergstroom 4 on at
    Business rules require deactivating and activating to work after each deploy.
    We use Azure Devops to import/publish solutions between our environments. We only use unmanaged solutions and 2/3 business rules are within the same (incident) and 1 of them are in another custom entity.

    As explained, all of these business rules work but require us to deactive and activate them after each deploy. 
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Business rules require deactivating and activating to work after each deploy.
    Hi Partner,
    Did you deploy the business rules by exporting them through the solution's import?
    These three business rules are on different entities?
    Check the solution layer of these three business rules or the host entity in target environment.
    Is there an unmanged layer on the imported solution that prevents the imported business rules from working.
    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it answer your question! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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