What do the Address and communications checkboxes on the Basic > Setup > Global address book > Parameters form do?
I've noticed that whenever I create a contact for a Customer, the system is COPYING the primary address from the customer on to the Contact. Then I go back to the customer and update the address and the contact's address is not updated - so now, I have the wrong address for the contact.
Is there any way to get the system to link both the customer and the contacts to the same address record so that when I update the address on the customer all contacts are immediately shown at the correct address?
Note. This requirement has arisen primarily because I'm working with a DAX system where the company has a number of customers with a number of branches. They didn't want to create a large number of customer accounts so they are using alternate addresses (delivery address and Alt. delivery addresses) for each customer. Now they have the problem that they want to send mailing to contacts within each customer, and so we need to be able to specify an address for each contact. But they do not want to create hundreds (thousands) of duplicate address records, since maintaining all of the duplicates will be a nightmare.
Tim Schofield
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