Hi Everyone,
I need some advice from your past implementations and want to explore if this is Possible to be achieved in D365.
Scenario - A machines manufacturing client is planning to use Project Management and accounting module to capture the cost and monitor the expected delivery dates for their Order to make machines. The lead time is 12-18 months to complete the project and the requirement is to monitor the estimates costs vs actual costs which will include bought out parts and manufactured parts inside their manufacturing plants. The goal is to get a WBS structure generated for the different steps of Order to Make machines with estimates of labor / Raw material, over head costs and eventually able to compare the actual costs during the life of the project. Any delays in Procurement / Production should role back to over all project delivery schedule.
Master planning, Production scheduling both are in scope to utilize the full capability of system D365.
Please suggest if anyone has encountered this type of requirement and successfully implemented D365 for similar scenario's. (BOM's are up to 6-10 levels)
Thanks for your help