We share our AX2012 with our customers (we are suppliers) and we would like to have a "Warehouse" (or a new Site) in " Inventory On Hand" in AX2012 where the customers shouldn´t be able to see the balance on some of the items. So it should be hidden for them, but not for us.
Now, if the customers go to "Inventory On Hand" on their site, all our balance for the items is visible for our customers on what we have at home.
In that view, we would like to have a "Warehouse" or new "Site" that only we can see the balance on an item.
And that ´s because we have balances on "scrap"-items that we don´t want to "inventory away", and that we don´t want the customers to see.
It is possible to hide a "Warehouse" or a "Site" for customers in " Inventory On Hand", so only we can see it?
In that case, how do we hide it?
regards BCC