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Create Purchase Orders from Production Orders AX2012

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Hi All,

I want to create purchase orders from production orders (the same logic as the create production from salesLines).


by know I just need to write the selected production record and write the ProductionOrderNumber + "-" + incrementalNumberSequence (example P1-1, P1-2,P1-3 and so on)

So I have a new button the prodTableListPage that calls the PurchCreateOrder form from a display MenuItem. But when I click the initizalization method does not read the Args of the caller (that should be the ProdTableListPage I guess.


  • Suggested answer
    CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: Create Purchase Orders from Production Orders AX2012

    Finally found a way.

    works with manual or continuous number sequence. also keeps the reference of the production order in the purchTable. almost the same logic as creating a production from a salesline.


    they key is playing with passing by the prodTable record through new arguments between PurchTable form datasource Create() method , purchTableForm class and PurchCreateOrder form Run() method


  • CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: Create Purchase Orders from Production Orders AX2012

    Hi Ludwig,

    thanks for reply,

    mmm yes and no :). We are trying to emulate and old system ax3.0 into the ax2012. and the old system does not work with auto increment order number sequence. Only the Sales Order are incremental numbers. The purchase orders and production orders number has the same as the Sales orders. example: Sales S1 with five saleslines. the first sales line production is S1, the second S1R1 third S1R2 and so on and also if the bom has sub boms will be S1R1-1 S1R1-2. the First purchase for production S1 will be S1-1 for S1R1-1 for sub production S1R1-1-1 and so on. 

    and the supplier for each item is almost never the same.

    Without the Number sequence in purchase this feature cannot be used. Unless there is a way to program this a special number sequence to work this way. but I haven't thought about it, don't know how complex would it be.

    by the way a purchase order with bom link vendor will create a relation/link in the database for the production where is taken? because we use like to relate all purchase made to a specific production and make future statistics.

    the whole Idea is to keep every purchase link to its main production number. But I am open ears. thanks beforehand.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Create Purchase Orders from Production Orders AX2012


    Can't you simply setup a BOM with a BOM item that links to a supplier and that creates the PO for you once you start processing this order?

    Best regards,


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