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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Project Budget reversal from negative sales order line

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We have one project (Fixed Project) for project we have defined Budget USD 15,000.

We follow below steps

1.   Open item requirement form.

2.  Create a new line then select the item

3. Define Qty 1 with amount 5000.

4. Post packing list and packing slip for the item

6. After posting packing system has created sales order and reduce the budget with 5000 USD now remaining budget is 10,000


Now we have corrected our packing slip which was wrongly posted for correction we follow below steps

1. Open item requirement form.

2. Create a new line then select the item for return.

3. define negative Qty -1 for return.

4. Go to setup tab.

5. Return lot ID now is enabled

6. Post the packing slip

Now system has created another line with negative qty and amount but As I can see project budget still showing 10,000 it should be reversal too and budget remaining amount should be 15,000. Please let me know I am following correct process or not and how system behaves how I can reverse my budget as well.

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  • Verified answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Project Budget reversal from negative sales order line

    Hello Kumar,

    I double checked this in one of my demo machines and got the same outcome that you got.

    So, I would say that this is the standard behavior that does not automatically modify the budget.

    If you want to have this automatic update you need - as you mentioned - a customization.

    Best regards,


  • kumar.tripathi Profile Picture
    kumar.tripathi 75 on at
    RE: Project Budget reversal from negative sales order line

    Thanks for the reply and your time to look this issue. 

    We have checked this issue into USMF database as well and followed the same steps and get the same result . there is no change in budget after posting negative line in sales order from Item requirement. its not look like standard process of AX. 

    So now we are not sure whether this is standard process or not. would you recommend  customisation for this scenarios.

    Thanks once again 

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Project Budget reversal from negative sales order line


    This sounds like a bug. Please check on LCS for available hotfixes. If you cannot find one that seems to fit either contact the MS support or get in touch with a developer who might be able to help you getting this resolved.

    Best regards,


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