My organisation have been partnering with Microsoft from 2011 when we implemented Dynamics 2009. Have been paying BREP for all these 7 years. At the moment we are in the process of upgrading 2009 to 2012R3, during which we had to transition all our licenses into D365 and downgrade to 2012R3. Also pursing a project in another retail entity where we would like to implement dynamics. I would like to understand our options in implementing 2012 retail and also D365 retail considering the license aspect.
Our requirement is use our current spare licenses available to be moved into 2012R3 retail and procure a store server licence but partner has said it is not possible. Need some help in this considering the yearly BREP paid for the current license which also has unused ones which we want to use in the other legal entity which is also part of the same group (where the license is held). Any help or advise would be helpful.
@Microsoft please respond to this as we are stuck in our roadmap towards implementing new entities and upgrading current version due to the lack of support. Board members would like to speak to authorised personal @Microsoft who can help us as partner hasn't been helpful.
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