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Dimensions values Combinations and Restrictions

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Posted on by 905


I  would like to create some rules around dimension Values. I know how i can restrict one dimension value to an account but how about if i have an account where i want to say that this account can use the dimension values (A, B, C and can not use X, Y, Z values) where as another account can use only dimension values A, Y)

Also, if want to build some rules around dimension values from 2 dimensions 

for example 







Department dimension 




i want to say that Sales department can used with project  123 and 555

where as ADM department can we used with project75 

and R&R department can be used with 456 and 88

how can i achieve that ?


i tried to open dimension combinations but it was all grayed out and i m not even sure if that is the right screen to do that 



  • RE: Dimensions values Combinations and Restrictions

    Help has been updated to better explain dimension combinations:

  • Suggested answer
    ikoletic Profile Picture
    ikoletic 2,202 on at
    RE: Dimensions values Combinations and Restrictions

    Hi Ola,

    Unfortunately, we don't have such functionality to shortlist values of dimensions you can use with specific account. Default dimension setup on G/L Account, Customer, Vendor... allows you to set this using:

    - Same Code in Value Posting field - so you always post specific G/L Account, Customer, Vendor with same dimension value

    - Code Mandatory in Value Posting - so you stop posting when dimension value is missing. 

    - No Code - you don't want dimension value for transactions with specific G/L Account, Customer...

    Now another thing you can do is set priorities on dimension values for different transactions. 

    In situations where you have some default dimension setup on both, for example, Customer and Item and they meet in sales order (header and lines), you can say that in invoice posting default dimension value you set on Customer will override the one set on Item or vice versa. 

    If you feel strongly about it and above didn't help, feel free to submit it on Financials product suggestions site. 

    Hope this helps.

  • Ola Darwish Profile Picture
    Ola Darwish 905 on at
    RE: Dimensions values Combinations and Restrictions

    Hi Ivan,

    Thanks you very much that worked Great

    I didn't know that there is a hidden small line that i have to click on to open the limited and unlimited etc.. Thank you very much

    but i m still wondering on how to use restrictions on dimension values on  accounts. so for the same dimension, I want some accounts to have access only to specific values in that dimension



  • Verified answer
    ikoletic Profile Picture
    ikoletic 2,202 on at
    RE: Dimensions values Combinations and Restrictions

    Hi Ola

    Yes you are on the right screen and you can do it here. Here are some hints

    1. Make sure page is in Edit Mode (you click on Edit)

    2. You won't be able to click on intersections of same dimension combinations (e.g. DEPARTMENT in Row and DEPARTMENT in column) but you can click on intersections of different dimensions e.g. DEPARTMENT in row and PROJECT in column


    3. When you click on valid intersection in matrix you'll get following options: No limitations - meaning any dimension value combination of DEPARTMENT and PROJECT is valid, Limited - on dimension value combinations you set are valid, Blocked - no dimension value combinations can be used. 


    4. Select Limited (as that's what I assume you're looking for). You'll end up with dimension combination page looking like this


    5. Click on limited in intersection of DEPARTMENT and PROJECT and Financials will ask you if you want to see list of values, click yes here.

    6. This will open Dimension Value Combinations page.


    7. Click on intersection of SALES and 456 as this is the combination you want to block (123 and 555 should be allowed as per your example above). You'll be asked if you want to leave this combination open of block it. Select Blocked as you want to block SALES and project 456.


    8.  This is how the end result will look like


    Repeat for other combination you want to block

    Hope this helps.

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