I am able to user power platform to create the approval and an approval flow. I have followed steps here
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-automate/approval-attachments. However creating these things does not actually create a way for my users to submit something for approval. Clearly there is a process, and I can /test/ the process and it says it works. However, no user can actually use the process.
I cannot find anything anywhere that tells how to actually enable a way for users to submit a quote for an approval. The board of my company requires all quotes receive an approval before being sent to a customer.
There is a fancy commad bar and supposedly a way to create new commands to add to it, but I can't find any information about how to create a /submit for approval/ button on the command bar for my users to use.
Actually, I don't care if it's on the command bar or somehwere else in the form. The only thing that matters is that when they are done with a DRAFT Quote, they can then click something that /submits/ the draft to their supervisor for approval.
Can someone please help me or direct me to the correct resources to make this happen?
Thank you