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Regarding - Item Categories and Item Attributes

Posted on by 190

Hi Experts ,

I just need your Help..

I just need the Procedure of Code  that How Item Categories get mapped to Attributes in the factbox .

And I just want to know that how it is updated according to the Code  when we just touch the Category code in list page .

For me It's so confusing ..

Can anyone Clear my way..

Thanks & Regards,

Karthikeyani C 

  • karthikeyani c Profile Picture
    karthikeyani c 190 on at
    RE: Regarding - Item Categories and Item Attributes

    Yes , But instead of that Item Attribute Factbox I want to display the items which is under the specified category code. For Example , If 5 items are created under the category code of 'FURNITURE' the 5 items should display in my new customized page where the Item category code is selected .

  • Suggested answer
    Inge M. Bruvik Profile Picture
    Inge M. Bruvik 32,722 Super User on at
    RE: Regarding - Item Categories and Item Attributes

    I am not sure i understand you. But do you want the Item category code to show in the Attribute fact box like i show under?


  • karthikeyani c Profile Picture
    karthikeyani c 190 on at
    RE: Regarding - Item Categories and Item Attributes

    Yes , But I have stuck in creating same like that

    Actually my need is to , Once the category code has been selected the item under that specified category alone should display in the factbox .

    That's what I am looking for ..

    Thanks & Regards

    Karthikeyani C

  • Suggested answer
    Inge M. Bruvik Profile Picture
    Inge M. Bruvik 32,722 Super User on at
    RE: Regarding - Item Categories and Item Attributes

    If i understand you correctly you want to know how this is handled in AL code?

    There is a codeunit  7500 "Item Attribute Management" that you can use to find the links between items and attributes. Either from the attribute side or the item side.

    Have a look at the functions in that codeunit if you want to know what you can do in AL code.

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