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Opt Out Button Missing

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I've recently started using Dynamics 365. I'm going to be rolling out some emails automatically, and I want to make sure I include the opt-out preferences. I've looked for several guides online as to how to achieve this, but they all state they are able to click an opt-out option that I'm simply not seeing. I'm even able to make an opt-out email template, just not able to include the opt-out option.

Does anyone know how I would mannage to have that button appear? This is what mine looks like


while the screenshots people have include a button like this:


How would I make this appear? Could I be using the wrong verison of dynamics?


  • twilli Profile Picture
    twilli 10 on at
    RE: Opt Out Button Missing

    Hi Xavier,

    Unfortunately I was not able to find the solution, and google's search results include mostly paid dynamics plugins/alternative interfaces, instead of explaining the actual dynamics functionality.

    I ended up dropping the matter entirely, however if I had to follow through with this, I would have probably made my own unsubscribe process. The dynamics functionality is to help, but it's not a requirement. You could create your own 'Unsubscribe' button by including a disclaimer at the bottom of your email with a hyperlink (redirect link) to the creation of an email.

    For example, if you hyperlink the address < out mailto!&body=This is only a test!> to the words "Unsubscribe here", the person that clicks the link will automatically 'compose' an email like the one in the image below.


    Then, you would have to set up your dynamics environment to pick up any email with the subject "Testing out mail" (or whatever you choose as a subject/body/email) and flag those people so you remove them from the subscription list. I believe dynamics offers ways to automate this, but I didn't test it out to be able to advise you any further.

    Hope this helps! 


  • Xavier1962 Profile Picture
    Xavier1962 5 on at
    RE: Opt Out Button Missing

    Hi twilli,

    I have exactly the same problem like you. I am trying to set up an email template with Unsuscribe  but I am not able to see this "Unsuscribe button" in the form.


    Also I have reviewed all the System Parameters in Marketing Tab, and the "Unsuscribe button" remains hidden


    Did you twilli or someone else found the way to show it?

    Thanks in advanced

  • twilli Profile Picture
    twilli 10 on at
    RE: Opt Out Button Missing


    I don't think I follow. The documentation you provided seems to explain that the settings in the marketing tab is related to what happens when the recipient unsubscribes. However I'm not being able to actually send them an unsubscribe link in the first place.

    What setting needs to be modified in order to be able to actually see/use the unsubscribe/opt-out button in the first place?

    Thank you for your help with this!

  • Naveen Ganeshe Profile Picture
    Naveen Ganeshe 3,393 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Opt Out Button Missing


    Please check this:


  • twilli Profile Picture
    twilli 10 on at
    RE: Opt Out Button Missing


    Do you know which setting is supposed to be different? This is what mine looks like now, feels like I already have it set up so that it should appear, yet it isn't. Any other place where this could be originating?


    Thanks in advanced!

  • Kei Aoyagi Profile Picture
    Kei Aoyagi on at
    RE: Opt Out Button Missing


    By default, the functionality behind “unsubscribe” is OFF in Microsoft Dynamics 365. You can turn it on by navigating to Settings -> Administration -> System Settings -> Marketing Tab.

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