I have a Powerapps Portal with Dynamics365 (Portal-Typ = StarterPortal
We have Local authentication with 2FA sending via Email. I added the Website-Setting "Authentication/Registration/RememberBrowserEnabled". Then the checkbox "Remember Browser" appears. If I activate the checkbox and log in with the 2FA code and after that loggin again, the 2FA code is no longer required, as expected. When I close the browser and log in again, the 2FA code is requested again. I try different browser but after closing the browser the "Remember"-Funktion is forgotten. Is there a fix?
Another problem we have is that the 2FA code is sometimes delayed (email). I tried to extend the validity of the 2FA code with the website setting "Authentication / TwoFactorCookie / ExpireTimeSpan". But unfortunately the 2FA code is only valid for 5 minutes. I have under Value this value: 00:55:00. Is tehre a limit for max. 6min?
I hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.