Hi Experts,
Do we have a similar method for Dynamics 365 Marketing - https://developers.marketo.com/blog/make-a-marketo-form-submission-in-the-background/
We could see one for Form capture but not for embedded form ?
Nishant Rana
Hi Experts,
Do we have a similar method for Dynamics 365 Marketing - https://developers.marketo.com/blog/make-a-marketo-form-submission-in-the-background/
We could see one for Form capture but not for embedded form ?
Nishant Rana
We called the click event of the submit button to do so - nishantrana.me/.../
Thanks for replying Petr. Actually we want to use Prefill feature as well, so next time when the user visits, we want to show hide content on that page, which I think doesn't work with Form Capture.
I think it would be easier to use the Form capture feature.
This feature captures the submission from forms which were not created in Marketing. It will automatically generate the JavaScript code you need, so you just put it into your page.
Please let me know if this worked for you.
One option could be hide the form, and call click function of the submit button and in MsCrmMkt.MsCrmFormLoader.on('formSubmit', function (event) - set the value of each of the field.
Hi Petr, Yes the idea is to hide the embedded marketing form, sets its value based on other form on the page and than submit it.
Could you please describe the intended use case? Why do you need to submit and embedded form in the background? This would help to find the proper solution.
Thank you.
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