I've been searching online but unable to find out about what the retainage limits are on temporary file storage. When I prompt a user to import a file, we can use a chunk of code like this:
The user selects a file and it's uploaded to some temporary storage. Then we can read the file using one of the StreamIO classes. Do those temporary files get automatically removed by Microsoft at some point? Is there any guarantee how long the file will remain there? I'm trying to determine if it would be a poor design to prompt a user for a file to upload into temporary storage and then pass the temporary file information like download URL to a batch job for processing. I couldn't find anything about whether the temporary files go out of scope or get cleaned up at some point.
Thanks in advance if anyone has knowledge or can link me to any documentation on this subject!
The retention period for the temporary BLOB storage is 7 days. The value is maintained in the class FileUploadTemporaryStorageStrategy, method getBlobExpirationTimeSpanInMinutes. The file will be deleted automatically by the Azure BLOB storage service.
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