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Dynamic content in marketing e-mail using if-condition

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hello forum,

We want to sent out an e-mail marketing campaign using a custom entity for Promotional Offers related 1:n to Contacts.
On some blocks of the content, I have added custom code tile in order to perform the IF conditions in order to display or not the content depending on Contact type of Promotional Offers enrolled. If condition is fullfilled, than the related block should be displayed, otherwise it should not be displayed (in order to have one single e-mail, but with different displayed content for different contacts).

The custom code is:

<p>{{{#if (eq contact.new_angemeldetesmitgliedid 'Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement')}}<display: block>

After triggering a customer journey to a sample data, the content is displayed the same regardless of the condition.

Could you please help with the solution?

Kind regards,

  • slx Profile Picture
    slx 386 on at
    RE: Dynamic content in marketing e-mail using if-condition

    Can you use embedded syntax [tag:each] / [tag:if] or how it can be done ?


    <!--Personalised comment-->

    <!-- [tag:each] CONDITION -->

    <!-- {{[tag:if] (eq contact.new_angemeldetesmitgliedid 'e3c37e56-78b4-ea11-a812-000d3abaa63a')}} -->

    (Code of block content)

    <!-- {{/if}} -->

    <!-- {{/each}}-->

    <!--End of personalised comment-->


  • Suggested answer
    Preeti Rana Profile Picture
    Preeti Rana on at
    RE: Dynamic content in marketing e-mail using if-condition

    Hi Jola,

    Can you confirm if the modified code worked for you? If not, can you please create a support ticket for this issue so that the team can investigate?

    Guidance on creating ticket:

    Please email us the ticket number on to follow up. :)


    Preeti Rana

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Dynamic content in marketing e-mail using if-condition

    Hi Jola,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    As you said, we can also add code in html editor without having to add custom code tile.

    Could modified code work for you now?



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Dynamic content in marketing e-mail using if-condition

    Hello Clofly,

    thank you for your answer and explanation.

    For  us, the best way worked with inline code in html editor rather than a custom code tile. In additional to the code displayed and edited as you suggested, it was needed the starting comment:

    <!--Personalised comment-->

    <!-- {{#if (eq contact.new_angemeldetesmitgliedid 'e3c37e56-78b4-ea11-a812-000d3abaa63a')}} -->

    (Code of block content)

    <!-- {{/if}} -->

    <!--End of personalised comment-->



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Dynamic content in marketing e-mail using if-condition

    Hi Jola,

    You said that relationship between Contact and custom Promotional Offer entity is N:1, so it seems that you condition is based on a lookup field of Contact entity?

    If so, due to the original value of lookup field is saved in GUID value format of the selected record, so we should do condition checking based on GUID. 


    Show different contents based on contacts' company.


    Get the guid of company in URL parameter


    Dynamic expression in marketing email:

    {{#if (eq contact.parentcustomerid '10dcede8-e4b5-ea11-a812-000d3ab64f2b')}}
    Hi Clofly, we prepared a special gift for you.
    Hi {{contact.firstname}}, it is glad that you can join us.


    Result in preview mode

    If contacts' company is equal to a specific company:(<display:block> in your case)


    else condition:(<display:hidden> in your case)


    If I set the value to accounts' name directly, then it always show content of else clause.(<display:hidden></display>)



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