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case sensitive data import

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I am using CE 2020 Wave 2. I am working on importing data to a custom entity with a contact lookup and found that when we use the email address to map lookup fields, then the import will fail unless the email address in the import file is exactly the same case as the email address on the contact record. I suspect that this was not the case prior to Wave 2 release. 

  • Eccountable Profile Picture
    Eccountable 10 on at
    case sensitive data import
    This does not solve the problem. The issue is that I first imported contacts, then when I am importing accounts, and need a unique value to map the Primary Contact lookup field (such as email address because there were some duplicate names), it was not working unless the email address was the same case. I have not re-tested this scenario since 2020 to see if it has been resolved. 
  • Suggested answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,874 on at
    RE: case sensitive data import

    Hi Nelson,

    Please do the following.

    Go to Settings > Data Management > Duplicate Detection Rules.


    Open "Contacts with the same e-mail address" rule and check if Case-sensitive is enabled, if so, unpublish the rule and disable Case-sensitive.


  • LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,874 on at
    RE: case sensitive data import

    Hi Nelson,

    I have tested that the letter case of the email does not affect the mapping, i.e. as long as the content is the same, even if the case is different, it can be mapped successfully and thus imported properly.

    Here is my test steps.

    2020 release wave 2 is enabled in my environment, there is a custom entity called "test entity", which has a Contact lookup field.


    I have a Contact, whose email is


    Go to Settings > Data Management > Templates for Data Import, download the template of "test entity".


    Edit the Excel, add a column "Email" manually. Enter a new record, the email is


    Import the Excel. It import successfully.



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