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Dynamics GP Year End Update for 73 Companies

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I am looking for recommendations from anyone that supports a large number of companies min Dynamics GP 2018.  We started using Great plains in 2005.  Originally, we supported 10 companies and year end updates took about 7 minutes per company. Year end was 
Over the past 18 years the number of companies in GP has grown to 73.   The year end update takes about 15 minutes per company.
If I just update all companies, the process continually slows to 30 or 40 minutes per company.   Based on the recommendation from Microsoft and from our reseller I started running 10 companies at a time, then stopping and starting SQL server service.   This seems to keep the updates at about 15 minutes.   (18.25 hours)
Performance monitor does not show any issues that I can see.   CPU 10%   Memory 80% (32gb)  disk OK.   Windows Server 2016  SQL server 2017.  (a project this year is to upgrade to Win 2022 and SQL 2022)
1) Does 15 minutes seem normal for a company update?  (small or large companies do not seem to make a difference). 
2) Are there SQL settings or GP settings that might improve performance?
3) Does anyone else support more than 50 companies in Dynamics GP?
  • Suggested answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    Dynamics GP Year End Update for 73 Companies
    Hi Allan,
    I second Lisa in this question.. I've routinely done GP upgrades for large company setups (40-50+ entities) and whenever it was possible, spread the load of the GP Utilities across multiple clients. It does not necessarily split the total time by the number of GP clients running, but almost.
    I do prioritize the companies by selecting the most important ones first, and then complete the less important ones (HIST & TEST, or ARCH). Always put all companies before you start in *offline* mode in GP, so whenever you've completed a full run of upgrade and someone needs to login to a critical GP company to quickly run some GL TB reports for example, you can put back *online* the ones that are done. 
    Also, 15 minutes seems excessive from 18.5 to 18.6.. on average sized DB's, it takes usually 8-10 minutes max.. which means either your SQL server is undersized and performs slowly, or you have the DEX.ini set to enable DEXSQL tracing.. I've seen GP consultants do this as per an old recommendation from Microsoft, but as long as your upgrade runs smoothly and has no errors, this is silly and useless.  The other thing that might slow down your upgrade process is if your DB's are in FULL recovery mode.. Switch them to SIMPLE recovery mode before making a full backup prior to starting the upgrade process. When done with all DB's, set those important DB's back in FULL recovery mode and take a full backup again. Make sure the Transaction Logs backup are running fine after that too. 
    Hope that helps.
    Beat (aka GP Geek) 
  • Suggested answer
    Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 611 on at
    Dynamics GP Year End Update for 73 Companies
    The "secret" I can share is to launch GP Utilities from several workstations, each set to upgrade a handful of companies.  (My instinct is to run server intensive tasks from the SQL Server, to remove network-connectivity from the equation, but I have learned that since the upgrade is all server-based, each of those connections gets you a separate SQL session and they perform well.)

    For our clients with more than a handful of companies, I do some preliminary work to determine the order of selecting companies for processing (mission-critical, database size, historical, test, etc.) 

    15 minutes from GP18.5 to GP 18.6 sounds right.  (My impression is there is very little actual company-specific data - but lots of objects - to upgrade.  

    Yes, we support environments with 50+ clients.


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