HI All
My client has GP 2018. I want to call GP workflow through API or web Services using web portal. Is it possible or no? If yes, Any documentation or help needed.
HI All
My client has GP 2018. I want to call GP workflow through API or web Services using web portal. Is it possible or no? If yes, Any documentation or help needed.
The server name and port number for Web Services, entered into Workflow Setup for the 'Workflow Actions' helps dictate where to look for Web Services, and enables the action links (Approve, Reject) in the email notifications being sent to approvers.
That being said, if you have the correct Web Services server name and port number (by default 48620), and the 'Test Email Actions' button comes back as failing, I have seen times where that has shown as failing even though Web Services is installed and setup correctly.
You can use the following to verify Web Services:
1. Verify that you can successfully access these four URLs:
a. http://<webservername>:48620/Dynamics/GPService
b. http://<webservername>:48620/DynamicsGPWebServices
c. http://<webservername>:48620/DynamicsSecurityService
d. http://<webservername>:48621/
Note: Replace <webservername> with the actual server name that Web Services for Dynamics GP 2015 is installed onto. Port 48620 and 48621 are default and could possibly be different on your machine if changed during installation.
Note2: In each of these pages, there will be a wsdl link(s), clicking on them should take you to an XML page.
2. If you can access these URLs without error, then launch the Dynamics Security Console under Control Panel > Administrative Tools:
NOTE: You’ll need to be logged on as a Security Admin for Web Services to have access to the Dynamics Security Console and Exceptions Console.
a. On the right-hand side, click on 'Select Applications'. A small window showing 'Dynamics GP Web Services' marked inside should show. Click OK on this window.
b. On the left-hand side of the Dynamics Security Console, expand 'Dynamics GP Web Services'
c. Click on 'Policy' and verify that you can see a list of policies in the middle pane without any errors.
d. Click on 'Entity ID Assignments' and verify that no error shows in the middle pane of the Console. Try adding a Salesperson, sales territory, Customer, Vendor, etc., just to verify that Web Services can pull the company information from Dynamics GP. You don’t have to actually create the entity ID.
3. Lastly, in Control Panel > Administrative Tools, launch the Dynamics GP Web Services Exceptions Console and verify you can click on both the 'System' and 'Validation' exceptions link without seeing any errors in the middle pane of the Console.
The native endpoint for Web Services, http://<webservername>:48620/Dynamics/GPService , is what the Approve, Reject links are using in the approval emails, so a good test is that users can successfully render the URL in step 1a above.
Also, make sure that Web Services is installed on the company databases for GP that you're attempting to approve workflows through email notifications, otherwise it will not work and you'll get an error when you click the Approve or Reject links.
Finally, as Workflow assigns to a user's Windows account, not GP login, the approver(s) must be using their exact Windows AD account credentials when attempting to take action on workflows via email notifications, otherwise it'll keep prompting for credentials and/or give an error message in the browser window.
Hope that helps!! Thanks
Derek, while not a perfect match to this question, I was wondering, in the Workflow Setup >> Enable E-Mail Actions - what server name and how is it formatted in this response?
Dynamics GP Web Services = enter server name as I would to connect to the Dynamics Web Client - and the PORT number
But all combinations I try (I think) are resulting in TEST Failed message.
I can generate the email - it has the Accept / Reject buttons, but nothing happens.
I don't know that we have anything on calling the Workflow DLL to use with a custom web portal, but maybe the community will have some guidance they can share.
The Workflow engine DLL is what we call for finding and verifying approvers and such from Active Directory to use in Workflow, sending emails, etc., basically functionality that is outside of Dynamics GP.
Any other Workflow functionality is done via the Dexterity/GP code or using stored procedures, functions and objects in the GP system and company databases.
Hi Derek
Many thanks for your reply. above said setup is sued with either GP or GP Web portal. My scenario is different. I have developed a web portal which will integrate the data (PR,PO etc) to GP. Web portal has also Workflow. I want to use GP workflow from my web portal so that workflow wouldn't be developed from scratch. How can I do this ?. Can i call some dll from GP which will call the GP workflow Engine.
With the default Workflow functionality in GP 2018, you can set it up so approvers can take action (Approve, Reject, Delegate) workflows through email notifications sent to them, using Web Services for Dynamics GP, so that the users don't have to log in to Dynamics GP nor even have a GP login or user license.
This functionality is also available via Web Client for Dynamics GP where users can login and access Dynamics GP via browser and use Workflow including approving workflows through email notifications.
Other than that, we may need more clarification on what you're meaning by "call GP workflow through API or web services using web portal".
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