I use Dynamicl SL 2011 SP3, SQL 2008 R2
I post Batch on the screen (01520) Most of the Batch can post, but some Batch can not post it.
I have run at monitor (98.290.00):
- Synchonize Al Ownership & Secrets
- Excucte Master view and Stored Procedure
- Excucte Master indexs, View and Stored Procedures
There were no results.
I delete the error batch over and over again but the post still fails. Seems the error is related to that account? I have Inactive That account and then Active again but still cannot.
I did not upgrade the software before I failed.
What should I do to fix the error, please help me.
The Log file shows the following error:
Processing: GLSetup
SQL Server Message 10215: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server] Invalid object name 'frl_acct_code'.
Debugging info: pp_01520 'SLM2011BKRDP-Tcp#2' , 'SYSADMIN'
Cursor(CSR_WrkPost) pp_01520 'SLM2011BKRDP-Tcp#2' , 'SYSADMIN'
Optional info:
SqlState = 42S02 NativeError = 208 ErrorMsg = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQLServer]Invalid object name 'frl_acct_code'. pcbErrorMsg = 90
ODBCRowNumber = 1 Column = -1 SSrvrLine = 26 SSrvrMsgState = 1 SSrvrSeverity = 16 SSrvrProcname = accthist_insert SSrvrSrvname =PTSV2