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Reoccurrence of email notification of a workflow

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I would like to create a workflow that would send an email notification continuously to a user until a step is fulfilled in the stages of the workflow that I have created. 

For example: If the description field does not contains data, send an email everyday else if the description field contains data, do not send the email:

Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you!

  • RE: Reoccurrence of email notification of a workflow

    Thank you! I am looking at using a workflow. I am using a "wait until" condition so that I can get the email repeatedly until the field contains value but that did not happen. I may switch it up to Power automate as suggested though. Thank you!

  • Eiken Profile Picture
    Eiken on at
    RE: Reoccurrence of email notification of a workflow


    I recommend you to use Power Automate for sending email based on conditions.

  • Inogic Profile Picture
    Inogic 436 on at
    RE: Reoccurrence of email notification of a workflow

    To achieve the above requirement, you can create a workflow by following the below steps:

    1. You need to create a date-time field and add that field to the entity form.

    2. Create a workflow for the entity on which you want to trigger the workflow


    3. Add steps and conditions as below as shown below screenshot:




    4. Click on the Set Properties button to set vale of Send email if the description field empty step and set attribute value (from, to, description, subject) as shown in the below screenshot. Add the following in the email add the subject and description


    5. Click on the set properties of update the date time field after sending the mail step

    Hope this helps.


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Reoccurrence of email notification of a workflow


    Do you have the option to use Power Automate? If so, I would recommend to use a scheduled flow, query for the Accounts with out the "description" column and then cycle through them to send the email you need.

    There are some options to use Workflows but they have limitations and are bad performance-wise. You could use timeouts(wait until) and child flows.

    I you are on-prem we have some options like a console app with task scheduler, SSIS, scribe, etc.

    Please let me know if you have questions about the flow.

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