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CRM 2015 (On Premises) Can't load users via CRM Router Configuration Manager

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Good Day All,

We have CRM 2015 (On Premises) installed, recently I noticed all the outgoing emails are pending_send status

When using the crm router to send the emails, when I'm trying load users in the CRM Router Configuration Manager I get the attached error.

I think this error is related why not able to send/ receive emails. Please assist



  • Suggested answer
    RE: CRM 2015 (On Premises) Can't load users via CRM Router Configuration Manager

    Can you please try following steps and let me know if it works or not ?

    1. CRM is running on port 80 so, if in deployment manager properties, you have mentioned the port 80 then remove it as by default, HTTP takes and append port 80 in URL.

    2. Perform IISRESET.

    3. Open Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options > Connections > Click on LAN Settings > and Uncheck the option - "Automatically detect settings".

    4. Close and re-open Email Router configuration manager and do the load data.

    If it's still failing then please check the event viewer logs for MSCRM Email to get the details error stack. If tracing isn't enable then you can follow steps mentioned in KB to enable tracing for Email Router -

  • Jaco Swanepoel Profile Picture
    Jaco Swanepoel 20 on at
    RE: CRM 2015 (On Premises) Can't load users via CRM Router Configuration Manager

    Please see attached the results of the SPN

    Still the same error after adding the sites


  • Suggested answer
    RE: CRM 2015 (On Premises) Can't load users via CRM Router Configuration Manager

    As AppPool is running on Network service, you would need to use the CRM server host name i.e.

    setspn -l crmservername

    After adding the URL in trusted sites, have you tried to do the load data again to see if it has worked or not ?

  • Jaco Swanepoel Profile Picture
    Jaco Swanepoel 20 on at
    RE: CRM 2015 (On Premises) Can't load users via CRM Router Configuration Manager

    What is the CrmAppPool Account Name? I sit the service account name?

    I've added the URL in the trusted/local sites


  • Suggested answer
    RE: CRM 2015 (On Premises) Can't load users via CRM Router Configuration Manager

    You can check SPN's set on CrmAppPool Account by running below command in either command prompt or powershell - Setspn -l <CrmAppPool_Account_Name>

    Also, can you please add the URL either in Local Intranet Sites or Trusted Site within IE Options ? Please ignore if it's already done.

  • Jaco Swanepoel Profile Picture
    Jaco Swanepoel 20 on at
    RE: CRM 2015 (On Premises) Can't load users via CRM Router Configuration Manager

    Hi Satish,

    Thank you for the quick response

    Sorry how do I check the SPN in IIS for CrmAppPool?

    CRM is running HTTP and only have 1 binding port 80 (See attached)

    The URL for the organization.svc is correct in deployment manager.

    Kind Regards



  • Suggested answer
    RE: CRM 2015 (On Premises) Can't load users via CRM Router Configuration Manager

    Thanks for sharing update, Jaco. Seems to be configuration issue. Can you check if SPN is setup correctly on CrmAppPool Account ? Also, Is CRM running on HTTPS or do you have multiple bindings in IIS ? What is URL mentioned in deployment manager properties ?

  • Jaco Swanepoel Profile Picture
    Jaco Swanepoel 20 on at
    RE: CRM 2015 (On Premises) Can't load users via CRM Router Configuration Manager

    Good Day Satish,

    Thank you very much for your response,

    The 1st URL does open the CRM website and no credentials needs to be entered

    The second URL (Organization.svc) doesn't want to open via the browser or if I click on under Developer Resources. Please see screen shot attached

    Kind Regards


  • Suggested answer
    RE: CRM 2015 (On Premises) Can't load users via CRM Router Configuration Manager

    Hello Jaco,

    Above error may comes because of three potential causes of this error.

    1. Verify that the URL's defined in the error message can be browsed in IE. The URL should allow you to browse and open the CRM Website without prompting for credentials.

    2. The second URL in the above error message should also be accessible without prompting for credentials.

    3. The account that is running the Microsoft CRM E-mail Router service does not have the appropriate permissions to open the URL's specified in the error message.


    1. If the URL's specified in the error message cannot be opened you will need to update the URL entered within the deployment tab of the CRM E-mail Router Configuration Manager with the correct version. This URL should be what you use to browse and open Microsoft CRM and needs to include the port number if the CRM Website does not run on port 80.

    2. If browsing the URL's from the error message results in prompting of credentials make sure that you have added the URL's to either Local Intranet Sites or Trusted Site within IE Options. This prompting for credentials could also be the result of incorrect Service Principal Names (SPN's)

    3. By default, the CRM e-mail router is installed with the service account set to Local System. You will need to update this service to use an account that is a CRM administrator account. To do this, open the Services mmc and locate the Microsoft CRM E-mail Router service. Right-click on the service and choose Properties. Click the Log On tab and then enter the domain\username and password of an account that is a CRM administrator. Finally restart the Microsoft CRM E-mail Router service as well as the CRM E-mail Router Configuration Manager.

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