RE: Reassign all record in Dynamics 365
Hi partner,
It needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.
For business rule:
As long as you meet the conditions, the business rule will work though you has changed the owner.
For workflow:
You need check the scope of the workflow:
In Dynamics 365, scoping acts just like security access levels granted to users and it works by allowing constraints on the records to be affected by the process. Simply put, workflow scope defines the level of records that a workflow can have an effect on.
(1) User
Choosing this scope means the workflow will run only on the records owned by the same user as the workflow user.
(2) Business Unit
This means the workflow will run on all records owned by the users of the same business unit as the workflow user.
(3) Parent: Child Business Unit
With this, the workflow will run on the records owned by the users of the same business unit as the workflow user as well as any child business units.
(4) Organization
The workflow will run on records owned by any user in CRM. Since it will trigger for all records, organization scope is the most used scope option.
Leah Ju
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