I have a plugin that access Oracle database. I have a plugin that runs on deletion of a record. The plugin doesn't reference the deleted record for anything, it creates a new record. The plugin works fine but when I try to profile the plugin and then delete the record, it gives me an error. (Only when the profiling has started).
An exception occurred during the initialization of the Plug-in Profiler.
Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: s
at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
at PluginProfiler.Plugins.PluginLoaderUtility.RefreshAssembly(IOrganizationService service, ProfilerConfiguration config, PluginInitializationContext context)
at PluginProfiler.Plugins.PluginLoaderUtility.RefreshPluginInitializationContext(IOrganizationServiceFactory factory, ProfilerConfiguration config, PluginInitializationContext currentContext)
at PluginProfiler.Plugins.ProfilerBase`1.InitializeProfiler(Dictionary`2 services, T operationContext, ProfilerPluginContext& context)
Instance details: