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Tables save issue

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi after making a table manually on cutomer insights. it sends me an error, i don't know why because i have an admin account.


  • Dev Squid Profile Picture
    Dev Squid on at
    RE: Tables save issue

    Hi Saifou

    I see a clear error coming from the system

    {"error":{"code":102006,"message":"Forbidden","details":"The user has no permissions to create dataflow"}}

    Can you do the following?

    • What type of data source are you trying to add? If you are selecting Import data from CI can you verify the next steps
    • Can you verify you have a CDS environment attached to your CI instance
    • Can you verify that in your power apps portal you can add a data flow
    • Is there any other admin in the system that is not having this behavior?

    Thank you!

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Tables save issue

    yes sure i'm admin in both but it seem i can't be in the same environnements

    pastedimage1626961497092v1.pngon finops

    and i created the CI environnement

    i tried to pass by the power platefrom connector but no environnements is on


  • Suggested answer
    John Wiese Profile Picture
    John Wiese on at
    RE: Tables save issue

    You are an admin in Customer Insights? How about in Dynamics?  You will need to be an admin in both if you are accessing CDS.

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