Reproduce steps:
1. Go to Cash and bank management>Bankl accounts, then create a new bank account (Test123) then link to a certain main account, for example: 123456
2. Go to Accounts Payable>Payments>Vendor payment journal, then create a new Vendor payment journal, go to Lines, choose Offset account type as Bank, Offset account as Test123 then Validate
3. Error received: "Account number for transaction type Bank does not exist.
4. Go to General Ledger>Ledger setup>Ledger, choose the account structure and I am able to see that the main account 123456 exists in this Balance Sheet account structure.
5. Deleted 123456 from account structure then retry Step 2, still received error as in step 3
6. Go to General Ledger>Chart of accounts>Accounts>Main accounts. Then create a new main account 123457, using same set-up for main account 123456 (Main account category), then repeat from Step 1. No error was found in step 3.
Do you have any ideas how the error happened. Obviously the main account does exist in the account structure.