Hi there,
I have a requirement which is to create a custom /Credit Check/ button on ribbon on Customer (Account) main form. When the user click on this custom button, workflow should be triggered when the following fields have information in them within Customer main form.
Following are the fields:
1. Legal Entity Name
2. Reg No/ABN
3. Address 1: Street 1
4. Address 1: City
5. Address 1: State/Province
6. Address 1: ZIP/Postal Code
7. Address 1: Country/Region
8. Invoice Currency
9. Customer ID
Once the user fills all the information in the above mentioned fields and then clicks on custom /Credit Check/ button then workflow should be triggered which will send an email notification to the relevant users about the information against above mentioned fields. However, if any of the fields is empty then error message should be displayed that particular field need to be filled to proceed for credit check.
I believe that this will mainly be handled through code and I do not have programming background so can anyone help me in this regard.