Hi all,
I am trying to create Trade Agreement Journal Lines in D365 FO via a REST APIs - currently I'm testing in Postman.
I can successfully create the Journal Header and retrieve the Journal Number by performing:
POST: /data/TradeAgreementJournalHeaders?cross-company=true
And in the body I put:
/dataAreaId/: /A123/,
/JournalDescription/: /Purchase Price Test/,
/DefaultTradeAgreementType/: /Purch/,
/TradeAgreementJournalNameId/: /P_Price/
In the response I receive the newly created Journal Number that I will pass in the Journal Line.
But which Entity do I POST to then create the Lines? I've had a look at the below Entities via Postman but they do not contain Trade Agreement Journal Lines:
Can anyone assist or point me in the right direction?