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IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated

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The IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated.

I'm following this specific step from the documentation (Add provider for order intake)-

1. Selected "Add Provider" 


2. Added the links in the connections at the bottom (A & B) and activated them Individually. After that I tried Activating the provider from the top and keep receiving the following error: Unsupported Property Type in JSON: ProviderID. CorrelationId: 92bd5ece-a1f9-4843-9698-6d8ff8c02373


Please suggest a fix for this. 

This is causing issues while running the test run #1. 


Following error comes under output: 

  "error": {
    "message""Provider message handler is not available for power automate workflow id: c0a13fd8-a453-ec11-8c62-000d3a3b096b.. CorrelationId: b68a3353-8ba7-49b7-b181-d1edb9845bae"
If I can successfully activate the order intake provider above than I'm sure this Try scope will run successfully 
Thanks in advance!!

  • Suggested answer
    FGrosso Profile Picture
    FGrosso on at
    RE: IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated

    Hi guys, for those that are still facing this issues, changing the Json typo is not enough.
    There is another typo that is affecting this flow:

    When you are adding a provider definition logic (


    what is highlighted on yellow shall be replaced  with msdyn_IOMLabOrderIntakeMessageRequestHandler

  • Suggested answer
    Mahum_Faheem Profile Picture
    Mahum_Faheem 42 on at
    RE: IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated
    [quote user="Kush Oza"]

    The IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated.

    I'm following this specific step from the documentation (Add provider for order intake)-

    1. Selected "Add Provider" 


    2. Added the links in the connections at the bottom (A & B) and activated them Individually. After that I tried Activating the provider from the top and keep receiving the following error: Unsupported Property Type in JSON: ProviderID. CorrelationId: 92bd5ece-a1f9-4843-9698-6d8ff8c02373


    Please suggest a fix for this. 

    This is causing issues while running the test run #1. 


    Following error comes under output: 

      "error": {
        "message""Provider message handler is not available for power automate workflow id: c0a13fd8-a453-ec11-8c62-000d3a3b096b.. CorrelationId: b68a3353-8ba7-49b7-b181-d1edb9845bae"
    If I can successfully activate the order intake provider above than I'm sure this Try scope will run successfully 
    Thanks in advance!!


    Hi Kush,

    I was able to resolve the unsupported property type error by checking the schema, the blog that we are following asks us to click on Generate from sample and paste the schema sample provided, that causes the problem. Instead of clicking on generate from sample, directly paste the schema in the window.

    I saved the flow and refreshed the workflow data in the provider and my issue was resolved. Hope it helps.

  • tayhom Profile Picture
    tayhom on at
    RE: IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated

    Hi Kush - Please verify your IOM System Properties action in your intake message provider looks like below. Capitalization matters, so ProviderId and not ProviderID


  • Mahum_Faheem Profile Picture
    Mahum_Faheem 42 on at
    RE: IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated

    Hi Nick,

    I checked your suggestion and my values are correct in the flow. My flow runs successfully when running a test scenario  but my intake provider is not getting activated due to the JSON type error.

    Any other guideline on this?

  • Suggested answer
    RE: IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated

    I ran into the same issue. I discovered the problem was in the first Parse Json action where I was defining system properties. Make sure you have consistency in how you typed 'ProviderId' between the content and schema fields. I discovered I had 'ProviderID' in the content field, but I spelled it 'ProviderId' in the schema field. Make sure you also update the dynamic field in the Transorm Message w/ Power Query Online child flow.



    Hope this helps!


  • Nagakirthi.K Profile Picture
    Nagakirthi.K 5 on at
    RE: IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated


    Were you able to find out the issue and resolve the issue. Kindly let me know the update as I am facing the issue

  • Mahum_Faheem Profile Picture
    Mahum_Faheem 42 on at
    RE: IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated

    Hi tayhom

    Thank you for your suggestion. This helped but now i am receiving different errors on the provider activation. If you can help me out with this.

    IOM Lab Order intake provider:

    Unsupported Property Type in JSON: type

    IOM Lab Fulfilment provider:

    A record that has the attribute values Provider, Name already exists. The entity key Provider Name key requires that this set of attributes contains unique values. Select unique values and try again.

  • tayhom Profile Picture
    tayhom on at
    RE: IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated

    Hi Mahum,

    You need to navigate to the Configure settings section on the Home page and activate those connections first. This process will configure and turn on all the Power Automates listed in the error message.



  • Mahum_Faheem Profile Picture
    Mahum_Faheem 42 on at
    RE: IOM Lab Order Intake Provider Not Getting Activated

    Hi Kush,

    Did your orchestration Flow publish?  because mine is not publishing. I am following the same lab a you are.

    Also my providers are also not activating but my error is showing the following:

    I tried checking the flows but I couldn't find the following flows.

    The Intelligent Order Management system has not been configured. Please visit Configure Settings to complete the process.
    The following flows have not been activated:
    Create Fulfillment Tracking,
    CorrelationId: 0c79e24b-0446-457a-b916-3bb3357ba69b
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