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Update Posted Sales Invoice "Due Date"

Posted on by 39
Hello all,
How does one change the due date on a posted sales invoice?
The simple answer appears to be:
Open Posted Sales Invoice list page
Find specific Posted Sales Invoice
Use menu "Home - Update Document" from Posted Sales Invoice list page or via opening the specific Posted Sales Invoice menu "Home - Update Document"
You're presented a modal page "Posted Sales Inv - Update PS-INVxyz" where the fasttab "Invoice Details" suggests you can change the "Due Date" existing value with a new date value and click the modal window "Ok" to commit the change.
In both the client's environment and also recreated internally, both leveraging BC v24.2, the changes to the due date are NOT reflected after performing these steps, and the original date remain the same?!?
What am I missing here?
  • Saurav.Dhyani Profile Picture
    Saurav.Dhyani 14,416 User Group Leader on at
    Update Posted Sales Invoice "Due Date"
    Looks like a bug, if the field is part of the modal window, then it should update.
    Saurav Dhyani
  • Suggested answer
    Mohana Yadav Profile Picture
    Mohana Yadav 48,497 Super User on at
    Update Posted Sales Invoice "Due Date"
    Yes, it is a bug. I reported it to MS.
    in the meantime, you can create a subscriber for OnAfterRecordChanged publisher of page 1355 with the below fix.
    if (Rec."Due Date" <> xSalesInvoiceHeader."Due Date") then
      IsChanged := true;
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 6,544 Super User on at
    Update Posted Sales Invoice "Due Date"
    It seems like a bug, if you change the due date by itself it doesn't apply. If you change the due date + any other fields it will work. In your case just change any other field along with the due date and it will work.

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