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PM Apply Payables Documents with Duplicated payment number (not vouchers)

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Looks like I have stumbled across a bug in GP 2016.

Our AP team entered several payments using the same payment/check number (duplicate checks allowed). When we went to apply them, we select the correct one, but GP will pull the first with the matching check number. So we have three payments, we are trying to apply the third, but when we select the payment it looks like GP is pulling the Payment into the Apply Payables window by CHECK NUMBER, instead of the actual unique value VOUCHER NUMBER. 

If we use the arrows to "page" forward and back, the Unapplied value in the window changes depending on which of the duplicated check numbers it happens to pick. 

We are going to void the duplicate payments and re-enter with unique numbers, but the PM Apply Payables Document window should pull in payments by voucher number which is the actual unique identifier. 

  • GMA Profile Picture
    GMA 1,074 on at
    RE: PM Apply Payables Documents with Duplicated payment number (not vouchers)


    If there are multiple payments with the same document number and one of them is on HOLD, then none of them can be applied. GP sees the HOLD and blocks them all. So if you need to apply one, all of the documents with the same document number will need to be removed from HOLD. 

    Just in case anyone else runs across this thread.

  • Verified answer
    RE: PM Apply Payables Documents with Duplicated payment number (not vouchers)

    Thank you for the additional information.  Yes, I do see that when you select the 2nd payment, the amount for the first payment comes in. If you select the 2nd payment again, then it comes in, so that would be a much faster work-around for you.  You can select whichever one you want after that first click.  (I see if you scroll using  the FORWARD button, then the first payment displays, and if you scroll BACKWARD over it, then the last payment displays.) 

    I think most don't allow duplicate check numbers, which may be why we have not received feedback on this before.  I tested on GP 2015 and it happened there as well, so likely has always worked this way.

    I hope that helps.

    Cheryl Waswick

    Microsoft Dynamics GP Support

  • GMA Profile Picture
    GMA 1,074 on at
    RE: PM Apply Payables Documents with Duplicated payment number (not vouchers)

    The Lookup button doesn't work.

    Let's say we have two payments with the same number, one dated last month (but unapplied) and one dated this month (also unapplied).

    If I use the Lookup button to select the second one, GP brings the data for the first one.

    So if we are applying in date order, the lookup button will work fine as a workaround, but not if we want to apply the more recent payment first.

    That is when I had to play around with the document scrolling buttons to get GP to pull the data for the correct payment.  I did figure out we could put the payment we don't want to apply on HOLD temporarily to get around this.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: PM Apply Payables Documents with Duplicated payment number (not vouchers)

    Hello Grady,

    I tested on GP 18.4 as that is the latest version.   I see that in the Apply Payables Documents window, that the scroll buttons for 'Document No' for the payment type only shoes the first payments with that number, and does not scroll through each one with the same document number.  Just click on the Lookup button to select the one you want to apply.   (The work-around to use the lookup button is too easy, so this will likely not get changed as most use unique payment numbers so we don't get much feedback on it.)  

    All open payments show in the Void Open Payables Transactions window with both voucher number and document number, so shouldn't be a problem in that window.

    Same for the Void Historical Payables Trx window, the document number shows and you can expand the line to see the voucher number.  When I voided one in history, the correct payment voided and the correct invoice was moved back to Open/unapplied status.

    So other than the scroll buttons not working in the apply window (in which you can use the Lookup button instead), did I miss any of your other questions/issues?

    Let me know.

    Thank you,

    Cheryl Waswick

    Microsoft Dynamics GP support - Apps

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