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Line item sequence in SOP that is = 0

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Hello Community,

Has anyone encounter a issue or situation where Line Item Sequence value = to 0. on the SOP table SOP10200 (SOP Line).

From the way I understand how the Line Item sequence number get populated, I dont know how it could be possible for it to ever get to 0.

  • Line item sequence in SOP that is = 0
    Thank you David and Lancebrigham,
    Yes trying to figure out which ISV that might be causing it.  For us it's a rare occurrence. We don't have many ISV. It took be our High Jump(Korber) or Commission(ethotech).

    Will update once we figure it out.
    THanks everyone. 
  • Suggested answer
    lancebrigham Profile Picture
    lancebrigham 119 on at
    Line item sequence in SOP that is = 0
    Hello Tarun,
    I have encountered this one other time in an environment that had many ISVs, and many integrations that created SOP transactions. Among thousands of transactions that get created daily, once every week or so they'd have a transaction with a line item sequence of 0 (SOP10200.LNITMSEQ). We never could get to the bottom of it so we created a script that ran nightly that looked for records in SOP10200 where SOPTYPE=2 and LNITMSEQ=0 and updated it to max LNITMSEQ+16384 for matching SOPNUMBE in SOP10200. We verified that, at least in their use case, when there is a record with SOP10200.LNITMSEQ=0 and SOPTYPE=2 there are no records in other line level tables that also needed updated so updating only SOP10200 was sufficient (if you have line level notes/comments in SOP10202 then that'd need updated too and possibly other tables). I suspect that there was some sort of rogue integration that was inserting data directly into the tables possibly. The company I worked with on this issue wasn't willing to take this to the level needed to identify root cause and was satisfied with the scripted workaround. We could've deployed some auditing/shadow triggers to SOP10200 to arrive at a root cause which would've given us who, what, when, exact SQL causing this, etc (after insert or update if LNITMSEQ=0 then log everything including SQL batch causing it to shadow table).
    Let me know if any questions.
    Lance Brigham
    Principal Consultant
  • Suggested answer
    David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture
    David Musgrave MVP ... 13,926 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Line item sequence in SOP that is = 0
    You are correct Line Item Sequence should not be zero.
    Is this a once off issue or is it occurring regularly?
    It might be possible to get it to equal zero if you insert a new line before the first row repeatedly (15 times). So the top line becomes 8192, 4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.
    Or if this is happening regularly, I would look at custom or ISV products and integrations.
    Let us know what you find.

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