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Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website

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 I have tried to use the second option (form capture) from this website:

But I get this error in the image.

Things I have done

  1. I have created the form fields representing the fields on the website
  2. I have generated the scripts and added to the webpage

But I am the last stage: form capture

  • Guillermo Varela Profile Picture
    Guillermo Varela 15 on at
    RE: Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website

    Hi Dafne. Yes, apparently it was some issue related to the particular trial environment that we were using. After trying to replicate the issue on a new one we realized that it was working correctly in that second environment.

    thank you!

  • RE: Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website

    Hi Guillermo,

    Were you able to fix this?



  • Guillermo Varela Profile Picture
    Guillermo Varela 15 on at
    RE: Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website

    Hi Dafne.

    We followed that article but unfortunately, after finishing the wizard, the "cookie" starts tracking the visits, but the leads are not being created in Dynamics. We will raise a support ticket as you recommend.



  • RE: Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website

    Hi Guillermo,

    The new form capture wizard supports the dynamically injected forms. Here is the documentation describing how to set it up:

    Have you used the wizard? If yes, I would suggest filing a support ticket, since this this isn't the expected behavior. Let me know your org ID in a private message, so that I can track your process.


  • Suggested answer
    pihcalle Profile Picture
    pihcalle 40 on at
    RE: Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website


    I found this. After you get your javascript, you could try adding the following attributes to the script, data-ignore-prevent-default = "true". Found the information here on this page.

    Kind regards


  • Guillermo Varela Profile Picture
    Guillermo Varela 15 on at
    RE: Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website

    Hi Dafne. Do you have any updates on this new functionality? We have the same issue trying to capture leads from a Wordpress contact form. We are able to map the fields and the visits are appearing on Dynamics but we are unable to receive the messages neither the contacts/leads are created in Dynamics.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website

    Hi Jide,

    Thank you for your question.

    Currently, Marketing does not support dynamically injected forms in third party webpages, which might be your case.

    With the upcoming release, we are planning to support this with a new feature.

    Best regards,  


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website

    Hi Jide,

    I opened you web page and checked its source code.

    Could you confirm some things or add some extra modifications for source code?

    1. Have you modified JavaScript code of marketing website record?

    In my environment, there is no "try ... catch" statement in generated javascript code:


    While in source code of your web page, starts from line 315:


    Is all of code inside script tag(line 315 - line 322) generated by your Dynamics Marketing environment?

    2. There are two refered form-loader resources in the source code,

    the first: form-loader.js?v=1.39.1111.0 at line 141, it looks well.

    However, the second js, form-loader.js?v=1.60.1066.0 at line 1173, which is included within <script defer> tag,

    could you let me know how did you add the extra one?

    In short, it's glad that you have added a static form because I copied you form to my website and it worked,

    please try further steps to make form capture could work:(Do not mix generated code with Wordpress code, give form capture code a separate area.)

    * Add form capture library inside head tag

    * Insert "JavaScript code" and "remaining code of form capture code" to the start position of body tag.


    my website source code:(




  • Jide Bantale Profile Picture
    Jide Bantale 107 on at
    RE: Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website

    Hi Clofy,

    Thanks for the reply.

    We have tried your step and still have the same issue

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Form capture did not find any form on external wordpress website

    Hi Jide,

    From title of your question, it seems that your form is built by Wordpress plugin?

    If so, in some of wp plugin(such as Ninja Forms), elements will be rendered dynamically.



        <div class="form-content"></div>


    When we view source code of web page, there are no input elements visible.

    Because input elements are loaded by plugin dynamically.

    You could view source code of the web page, check whether any input element is available inside form tag.

    If no, there are two solutions you could take:

    1. Copy outerHTML element of form by inspector(F12), because even if input elements are rendered dynamically,

    but they can still be inspected.


    Paste copied HTML code manually on your web page to check whether they could be scanned.

    2. Create a plain form and input tags by yourself, then apply custom CSS rules to prettify it.

    In a word, we should make sure both form and input tags are static.



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