Re: Undo Warehosue Receipt
Hello Kathy,
First of all, I will make some assumptions. I am providing steps for NAV 2009 SP1/R2, but the steps may be slightly different in another version. Also, I am making the assumption that the Location is setup with Directed Put-away and Pick enabled.
Of course, the challenge here is that the Putaway was fully processed and moved the inventory quantity out of RECEIVING into the BULK area, which you have identified. An additional note on the front end of the response is that the Undo Receipt only allows for the completion of a full quantity reversal for the Undo from the Posted Purchase Receipt (i.e. a user cannot choose partial quantity for an Undo transaction)
Therefore, the following steps are necessary:
1) Delete the Registered Putaway under Warehouse > History > Registered Documents > Registered Put-aways (this must be done because we must remove the historical put-away because of the error)
2) Post a Warehouse Item Journal for the 30 quantity back to the RECEIVING Zone and Bin.
3) Post a Warehosue Item Journal for -30 quantity out of the BULK bin to remove the wrong quantity posting.
4) Go to the Posted Purchase Receipt and complete the Function > Undo Receipt.
The process will update the Purchase Order, the Posted Purchase Receipt, and Posted Receipt (Whse. Document) with the reversal of the 30 Quantity.
You should then be able to reprocess a Wareouse Receipt, correctly post the 25 Received, and Register the Put-away for the correct quantity.
I hope this helps provide you with the necessary guidance to move forward.
Best Regards,
Thomas Blaisdell | Microsoft Dyanmics NAV Support Contributor