Full-time equivalent on position has only 2 decimals:
2 decimals are not enough for cases like part-time employment, for example 30h of 38.5h working week.
It is not possible to change NoOfDecimals of EDT via extension:
As this EDT is used in approximately 25 tables, it is also "too expensive" to create a new EDT, which extends this type, and change EDT on all fields (to make it right).
I have an idea to add a new field Working hours to Parameters (to store 38.5h from the example) and Actual working hours to Position (to store 30h from the example).
Then it will be possible to calculate FTE and use it for critical areas like salary calculation, but store rounded value in standard FTE for analysis.
There are 2 questions:
1) Is there a better or easier solution for this example?
2) Are there standard fields to store Working hours?
Best regards,