RE: Help with dropdown list
Hi Suresh,
I have a Sales Order Field in table ABC which has a table relation to Sales Line. In that Sales Order Field, i have also created a filter so records from Sales line will only show the ones where Table ABC.ITem No= SalesLine.Item No. Also, I have created a field group called DropDown in the Sales Line Table that shows Document No, Line No, Item No, Description and Quantity.
So in a Page where Table ABC is the source, the sales order field will show the DDlist that will show the Sales Line records using the Field Group above as display fields where SalesLInes.Item No = Table ABC.Item No.
So this works great. The problem is onvalidate of ABC.Sales Order field, I can't easily grab the quantity column. In the Sales Order field, only Document No will display. I actually need to filter record from Sales Line where Document No = Document No displayed in the sales order and Sales Line. ITem No = Item No selected. I need to retrieve the corresponding Quantity. It's okay if users are ONLY entering records with Unique Item Number in the Sales Line. But what happens if there are actually two records with the same Document No and the same Item No? this is where potential problem arises.
In .net, we could easily grab the 3rd or 5th column value from the ddlist. But in Nav, I don't know an easy way to do this.
The suggestion of Mahesh will only work if Sales Line consists of unique document and item numbers.
Also, how do you upload screen shots here? :)