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Can I stop a grid from allowing its members to be opened/edited?

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Maybe someone can verify this for me as well but, my submitted orders allow a user to change values on the order products.  We are at Unified Interface, phase 2 and all.  I've tested one form using a regular view as well as MS's editable grid and in both cases these should be locked down.

The simplest solution would be some jscript that "disables" the grid if the order status is "Submitted".  Can that be done?


ps- Yes, order Submitted -- I have thrown the switch to have Sales integrated with an external accounting system

pps- and on top of that, I've written my own CalculatePrice plugin and shut off the out-of-the-box pricing -- if either of those things might be short circuiting the proper behaviour.

ppps- something is working right because even when the quantity is changed the CalculatePrice event is not firing as the extended amount doesn't update

  • Suggested answer
    RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,410 on at
    RE: Can I stop a grid from allowing its members to be opened/edited?


    You don't need a javascript, you can create a real time workflow on Order Product entity which trigger on change on 'Modified On' field and checks if the related order status is not active, if not active then cancel the workflow and set the error message under properties.

    Refer this:


    Hope this helps.

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