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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

fromDate toDate dialog parameters has not showed as calendar and they are not clickable on SSRS report

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi to all,

I have a visualization problem with fromDate toDate dialog parameters.

This is as my report show the parameters:


as I expect them (taken from an image on the web)


first, I would expect to see the parameters, shown as calendars; second, if I click on the drop-down menu, nothing happens. The values ??can only be changed by hand, by deleting and rewriting the date.

Following all my code:

UIBuilder Class and methods:

class SRS_SALUIBuilder extends SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder
    DialogField dialogSite;
    DialogField dialogLocation;
    DialogField dlgstartDateField;
    DialogField dlgendDateField;

    SrsRDPContractScheduledArrList  srsRDPContractScheduledArrList;

public void build()
    //Dialog  dialogLocal = this.dialog();
    srsRDPContractScheduledArrList = this.dataContractObject();

    this.addDialogField(methodStr(srsRDPContractScheduledArrList, parmFromDate), srsRDPContractScheduledArrList);
    this.addDialogField(methodStr(srsRDPContractScheduledArrList, parmToDate), srsRDPContractScheduledArrList);

    this.addDialogField(methodStr(srsRDPContractScheduledArrList, parmSite), srsRDPContractScheduledArrList);
    this.addDialogField(methodStr(srsRDPContractScheduledArrList, parmLocation), srsRDPContractScheduledArrList);


public boolean locationModified(FormStringControl _control)

    return true;

private void lookupLocation(FormStringControl _formstringcontrol)
    Query query = new Query();
    QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
    SysTableLookup sysTableLookup;

    //create a table lookup
    sysTableLookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(InventLocation), _formstringcontrol);

    //create a query
    qbds = query.addDataSource(tableNum(InventLocation));
    query.dataSourceTable(tableNum(InventLocation)).addRange(fieldNum(InventLocation, InventSiteId)).value(dialogSite.value());

    //assigne the query and call lookup


private void lookupSite(FormStringControl _formstringcontrol)
    Query query = new Query();
    QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
    SysTableLookup sysTableLookup;

    //create a table lookup
    sysTableLookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(InventSite), _formstringcontrol);

    //create a query
    qbds = query.addDataSource(tableNum(InventSite));
    //use a find() method to retrive the value, because the InventSite hasn't the locationId field
    query.dataSourceTable(tableNum(InventSite)).addRange(fieldNum(InventSite, SiteId)).value(InventLocation::find(dialogLocation.value()).InventSiteId);

    //assigne the query and call lookup


public void postBuild()


        // SITE
    dialogSite = this.bindInfo().getDialogField(this.dataContractObject(),
            methodStr(srsRDPContractScheduledArrList, parmSite));

   // register override method for lookup Site
    dialogSite.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, lookup),
                                    methodStr(SRS_SALUIBuilder, lookupSite),

    // register override method for Site modified
    dialogSite.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, modified),
                                methodStr(SRS_SALUIBuilder, siteModified),

       // LOCATION
    dialogLocation = this.bindInfo().getDialogField(this.dataContractObject(),
            methodStr(srsRDPContractScheduledArrList, parmLocation));

    // register override method for lookup Location
    dialogLocation.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, lookup),
                                    methodStr(SRS_SALUIBuilder, lookupLocation),
    // register override method for Location modified
    dialogLocation.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, modified),
                                methodStr(SRS_SALUIBuilder, locationModified),

public boolean siteModified(FormStringControl _control)

    return true;

Contract class and Methods:


public class SrsRDPContractScheduledArrList implements SysOperationValidatable,SysOperationInitializable
   PurchLineDlvDate Fromdate;
   PurchLineDlvDate Todate;

   InventSiteId Site;
   InventLocationId Location;

public void initialize()

    Site = "";
    Location = "";
    Fromdate = systemDateGet();
    Todate = systemDateGet();


public date parmFromdate (date _Fromdate = Fromdate)
    Fromdate= _Fromdate;
    return Fromdate;

public InventLocationId parmLocation(InventLocationId _Location = Location)
    Location= _Location;
    return Location;

public InventSiteId parmSite(InventSiteId _Site = Site)
    Site= _Site;
    return Site;

public date parmTodate(date _Todate = Todate)
    Todate= _Todate;
    return Todate;

public boolean validate()

    boolean ret = true;

    if (Fromdate > Todate)

        ret = checkFailed("Inserimento date errato");

    return ret;


My RDP class and Methods:

public class SrsRdpScArListClass extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
    TmpScheduledArrivalListTable tmpSAL;

public TmpScheduledArrivalListTable gettmpSAL()
    select * from tmpSAL;
    return tmpSAL;

public void processReport()
    date fromdate;
    date todate;
    InventSiteId site;
    InventLocationId location;

    Query                   query;

    QueryRun                qr=new QueryRun(queryStr (ScheduledArrivalList_SAM));
    QueryBuildDataSource    dsPurchLine, dsVendTable, dsPurchAgreementHeader, dsAgreementLine, dsInventTable, dsPurchTable, dsInventDim;

    PurchLine                queryPurchLine;
    VendTable                queryVendTable;
    PurchAgreementHeader     queryPurchAgreementHeader;
    AgreementLine            queryAgreementLine;
    InventTable              queryInventTable;
    PurchTable               queryPurchTable;
    InventDim                queryInventDim;

    SrsRDPContractScheduledArrList    dataContract;

    // Get the query from the runtime using ours  query.
    query = this.parmQuery();

    // Get the parameters passed from runtime.
    dataContract = this.parmDataContract();

    fromdate = dataContract.parmFromdate();
    todate   = dataContract.parmTodate();
    site     = dataContract.parmSite();
    location = dataContract.parmLocation();

    // Add parameters to the query.
    dsPurchLine               = query.dataSourceTable(tablenum(PurchLine));
    dsPurchLine.addRange(fieldnum(PurchLine, DeliveryDate)).value(queryRange(Fromdate, ToDate)); //fromDate..todate Range
    dsVendTable               = query.dataSourceTable(tablenum(VendTable));
    dsPurchAgreementHeader    = query.dataSourceTable(tablenum(PurchAgreementHeader));
    dsAgreementLine           = query.dataSourceTable(tablenum(AgreementLine));
    dsInventTable             = query.dataSourceTable(tablenum(InventTable));
    dsPurchTable              = query.dataSourceTable(tablenum(PurchTable));
    dsInventDim               = query.dataSourceTable(tablenum(InventDim));
    dsInventDim.addRange(fieldNum(InventDim,InventSiteId)).value(site);     // Range per Sito
    dsInventDim.addRange(fieldNum(InventDim,InventLocationId)).value(location); // Range per Magazzino

    // Run the query with modified ranges.
    qr = new QueryRun(query);


        queryPurchLine              = qr.get(tableNum(PurchLine));
        queryVendTable              = qr.get(tableNum(VendTable));
        queryPurchAgreementHeader   = qr.get(tableNum(PurchAgreementHeader));
        queryAgreementLine          = qr.get(tableNum(AgreementLine));
        queryInventTable            = qr.get(tableNum(InventTable));
        queryPurchTable             = qr.get(tableNum(PurchTable));
        queryInventDim              = qr.get(tableNum(InventDim));

        tmpSAL.BND_ItemGGANALISI            = queryInventTable.BND_ItemGGANALISI;
        tmpSAL.BND_ItemTMC                  = queryInventTable.BND_ItemTMC;
        tmpSAL.ConfirmedDlv                 = queryPurchLine.ConfirmedDlv;
        tmpSal.DeliveryDate                 = queryPurchLine.DeliveryDate;
        tmpSal.InventLocationId             = queryInventDim.InventLocationId;
        tmpSal.InventSiteId                 = queryInventDim.InventSiteId;
        tmpSal.LineNum                      = queryPurchLine.LineNumber;
        tmpSal.LineNumber                   = queryAgreementLine.LineNumber;
        tmpSal.Name                         =;
        tmpSal.OrderInPuchUnit              = queryPurchLine.orderedInPurchUnit();
        tmpSal.PurchaseType                 = queryPurchLine.PurchaseType;
        tmpSal.PurchNumberSequenze          = queryPurchAgreementHeader.PurchNumberSequence;
        tmpSal.PurchStatus                  = queryPurchLine.PurchStatus;
        tmpSal.PurchUnit                    = queryPurchLine.PurchUnit;
        tmpSal.ReceivedInTotal              = queryPurchLine.receivedInTotal();
        tmpSal.RemainInventPhisical         = queryPurchLine.RemainInventPhysical;
        tmpSal.ShelfLifeUM_SAM              = queryInventTable.ShelfLifeUM_SAM;
        tmpSal.VendAccount                  = queryPurchLine.VendAccount;


Could you tell me where I'm wrong?

Also, can the code that I wrote be improved or optimized?

Thanks in advance to those who will answer.


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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: fromDate toDate dialog parameters has not showed as calendar and they are not clickable on SSRS report

    Thanks Martin, it works

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: fromDate toDate dialog parameters has not showed as calendar and they are not clickable on SSRS report

    I checked the whole code again and realized that a Transdate had escaped me. That is, I was convinced that I had modified it, but in reality, Date had remained.

    In the end your suggestions were right, thank you very much.

    Problem solved.

    Thank a lot to all.

  • Verified answer
    Faqruddin Profile Picture
    Faqruddin 1,869 on at
    RE: fromDate toDate dialog parameters has not showed as calendar and they are not clickable on SSRS report

    Check your contract class. Or check below code.

    public class SrsRDPContractSalesAnalysis
    FromDate fromDate;
    ToDate   toDate;
    public TransDate parmFromDate(TransDate _fromDate = fromDate)
        fromDate = _fromDate;
        return fromDate;
    public TransDate parmToDate(TransDate _toDate = toDate)
        toDate = _toDate;
        return toDate;

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: fromDate toDate dialog parameters has not showed as calendar and they are not clickable on SSRS report

    I've changed the date type in TransDate EDT, but it doesn't work.

    I also tried to delete the dialog parameters for Fromdate and Todate and tried to restore those of the Contract, but nothing.

    In both cases I recreated the CIL, updated the dataset in the VS report and repeated the deployment

    I've written code for adding dialog fields for Fromdate and Todate, because the parameter declared in the Contract class are no longer shown on the report form. The only way I found them to show them is to add the "super ()" to the Build () method of the UIBuilder class. But if I add it, it duplicates the Site and Location parameters. I could not find a way to not duplicate them, so I decided to turn all the parameters into dialog.

    I do not have an obligation to make the Fromdate and the Todate as Dialog, so if you have any suggestions to eliminate unnecessary code, I willingly accept them.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 229,918 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: fromDate toDate dialog parameters has not showed as calendar and they are not clickable on SSRS report

    I suspect (without testing it) that the problem is in using "date" instead of an EDT. Try TransDate instead, for example.

    I also wonder why you've written code for adding dialog fields and getting values from them, because the framework can do it for you automatically.

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