i have a button called calculateemi , if i select a record and click on calculate emi it should calculate emi and insert them in another table. if records already exist for the loan either it should show msg as exist or button should be disabled. How can i achieve it ?
You can access FormDatasource directly in clicked method by its name.I believe it's a custom form.
You can use DataSourceName.FieldName to get the current selected record.
If the multiple records are selected, you need to make use of multiselecthelper class.
You need to add the code on clicked method.
Girish S.
Hi, In clicked method of calculateEMI button, write code to calculate and insert record im another table.
Change AutoDeclaration property of calculateEMI button to yes. In active method of form datasource, write select statement to find related record in another table and enable calculateEMI button if found else disabled
Check this article
I already wrote code for disabling the button. But i need emi records to be inserted which are equal to tenure when i click on calculate emi. only selected record emi's should be inserted . how can i pass active record details to clicked method of button control and i need to loop through it.
You need to add the validation on the active method of the form DataSource. Add the select statement to check whether the record exist for the loan. If record exists, make the button as enabled equal to false otherwise true.
Girish S.
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