Hi. I have a number of products in our CRM (over 100 products)
These products have QC reviews.
There are 13 categories the products can be reviewed on.
Each category per each product has unique values.
For instance, Product A on the category of "Handling Damage" has the following:
<2% Acceptable, 2% - 4.9 % Borderline, >5% Fail.
Product B for the category of "Handling Damage" has the following:
<1% Acceptable, 1% - 3% Borderline, <3.01% Fail.
All of our reports are going to be compiled on the basis of Acceptable, Borderline and Fail, to account for the different values within each product.
Each QC is an record in a separate entity, that references the product.(Many QC records to one Variety.)
I want to make the categories unique values available to the person who is inputting the data, as a guide, so they understand which label to choose.
Can I get some recommendations for how this can be done? Thank you!