if a Customer need to cancel an event registration without entering the personal area of the event portal (he/she has no credential), can he/she do this by his/her own or should I do this directly in CRM?
I need to manage this situation in order to handle the waiting list.
Thank you very much,
best regards.
Hi Mariette,
As doc noted: try to set event registration record to inactive status then check whether the registration would be cancelled.
I tested and it works.
Hi Clofly
As far as i can see
There is only the posibility to delete an event registration not the possibility to cancel a registration in the marketig application
Hi Valentina,
If you hosted event website on portal, your customer can log into portal and cancel their registration in a registration list.
If he/she has no credential(not sign in), we should cancel registration directly in Registraion and attendance tab > Event Registration section.
Hi Valentina,
There is a similar Query answered in the past by the PMs, please refer to this
Hope it helps,
Best regards,
Abhinav sunku.
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