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Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails

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I am trying to setup a customer journey that caters to around 8 events at a time, all similar but with different destinations and dates.

I have created a thank you for registering email that is trying to pull in dynamic information from the different events so that when someone registers they get an email with the date, time and location of the event.

I am using the assist-edit feature to pull this information in using: Contextual / Contact / Related Entity / Originating event (Contact) -> Event / Event name

This is how is looks on the email:


Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be working. When I use dynamic information the email is blocked with the reason: Email is missing required fields. 

When I test this without the dynamic fields the emails come through.

What am I doing wrong? Is the Originating Event (Contact) relationship incorrect? 

  • flemmingv Profile Picture
    flemmingv 25 on at
    RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails

    Any news about how to solve this ?

  • RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails

    Tough to say what's on the roadmap since the map only shows 2 things past the 2021 Wave 1 timeframe (  And neither of those would be related to this.

  • Zak Bird Profile Picture
    Zak Bird 70 on at
    RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails

    Hi @Shravan,

    I just wanted to follow-up on this point: "We have items in our immediate roadmap to facilitate the creation of such "context driven" customer journeys, which would help in the scenarios where you'd want to leverage the same journey for multiple events."

    The same journey for multiple events... This is an essential update that I believe the Events solution desperately needs. In it's current format, the solution is suited to standalone ad-hoc Events, maybe a couple per month. Using the same journey for multiple Events would dramatically reduce the admin involved for a user. Has this feature been implemented or is it outlined on the roadmap?

    Many thanks,


  • RvdW1990 Profile Picture
    RvdW1990 130 on at
    RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails

    @Shravan any updates on these features? Haven't seen them in the last and the next Release Wave :(

  • Johnson95 Profile Picture
    Johnson95 90 on at
    RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails

    Thanks JacquesNL raise out this question again.

    I am having a similar problem too.

  • JacquesNL Profile Picture
    JacquesNL 800 on at
    RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails

    Hi Shavran,

    Is the feature you mentioned coming soon? I am having a similar problem. I need to send an email with D365 Marketing with event registration info in it using dynamic content. Why can I only choose Contact:N relationships in the marketing email dynamic content? This is so unlogical. Am I missing something?

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails

    Hi Pippa and Shravan,

    Thanks for Shravan's supplement, actually it could only show contact's first event registration.

    It would be glad and helpful for us when the new feature comes up.

    Currently we could still find a contact's all related event by event registration entity records with a for each loop dynamic expression as I mentioned in my second reply, 



    because contact to event registration is 1:N, while event registration to event is N:1, but we still need a workflow to make event registration records have their parent event formatted name.

    (lookup field could only show record's id value in dynamic expression)




  • PippaH Profile Picture
    PippaH 52 on at
    RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails

    Okay right, thanks Shravan. I could definitely have contacts signed up for multiple events so doesn't look like this will work for me. The context driven customer journeys will be amazing as I have many events that are all the same just different locations.

  • PippaH Profile Picture
    PippaH 52 on at
    RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails

    Hi Clofly, thanks for your explanations. I now realise that there can only be one originating event. I was trying to register my test account which has no originating event hence no emails. This is problematic as contacts could be registered for more than one event. Microsoft employee is saying below that I will need to create individual customer journeys - eek! But this is in the pipeline for development.

    Thanks for your help on this!

  • Suggested answer
    ShravanSuri Profile Picture
    ShravanSuri 1,255 on at
    RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails


    I wanted to add to Clofly's answer below:

    Using the same customer journey for multiple events won't work, since the same contact could be registered to multiple events (and a contact can have only one originating event ID). If you're using Clofly's suggestion below and creating your Segment based on originating event (correctly, if the contacts were actually created because of that event, which works only the first time a contact is created) - then the relationship would work.

    Otherwise, you should create a unique customer journey for each event.

    We have items in our immediate roadmap to facilitate the creation of such "context driven" customer journeys, which would help in the scenarios where you'd want to leverage the same journey for multiple events. More on that soon! :)

    Please let us know if this helped?


    Shravan Suri

    PM, D365 Marketing

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