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Settings for lead qualification

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I wonder if someone can help me with this question.
I have change settings for lead qualification so it won´t automatically creates new accounts, contacts and opportunities, when a user qualify a lead.
So fa so good, but when the user will qualify a lead, a window shows up with alternatives that has default-settings:
Sorry, is in swedish, but I´ll write.
Subject: Qualify lead
Convert this lead as qualified and create following posts:
Account: Yes 
Contact: Yes
Opportunity: No

Does anyone know how I can change the defaultsettings in the window I added?
  • Baxafer Profile Picture
    Baxafer 9 on at
    Settings for lead qualification
    To change the default settings for the lead qualification process in your CRM system (most likely Microsoft Dynamics 365, based on the terminology you're using), you need to adjust the system settings or customize the lead qualification dialog.
    Here is an example of the JavaScript code you might use:
    function setDefaultLeadQualificationOptions() {
        // Assuming the dialog fields have IDs or names that you can target
        var accountCheckbox = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("accountCheckboxId");
        var contactCheckbox = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("contactCheckboxId");
        var opportunityCheckbox = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("opportunityCheckboxId");
        if (accountCheckbox) {
            accountCheckbox.setValue(true); // Default to Yes
        if (contactCheckbox) {
            contactCheckbox.setValue(true); // Default to Yes
        if (opportunityCheckbox) {
            opportunityCheckbox.setValue(false); // Default to No
    // Register the function on form load;
  • Verified answer
    Cui Hao Profile Picture
    Cui Hao on at
    Settings for lead qualification

    I'm afraid that's impossible.
    The qualify lead dialog is oob and currently you can't customize the 'Qualify Lead' dialog.
    If you want to change it, you need to hide it and use JavaScript or Html to develop a new custom dialog box.

    Best regards,
    Cui Hao

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