Hi, is it able to select multiple records from the associated view and pass their recordid by clicking the custom button through javascript ? how should I do that through ribbon button ?
Hi, is it able to select multiple records from the associated view and pass their recordid by clicking the custom button through javascript ? how should I do that through ribbon button ?
Hi sdnd2000,
Yes, we are able to do it, please check steps below:
1. Create a solution which contains entity and its view that you want to add custom ribbon button.
In my test, I only added "My Order" view of Order entity to solution, but it seems that the button will still appear in "Order Associated View" automatically.
2. Download the latest Ribbon Workbench solution, because from my using experience, I think it is running faster and smoother than older release version.
Difference between old and latest release:
older version name is RibbonWorkbench2016_3_1_177_1_managed.zip, the newer or latest is RibbonWorkbench_latest_beta.zip.
the header bar color is updated to purple compared with navy blue in the previous.
3. I append custom button after "delete" button, and associated it with a command and an enable rule.
4. Create an enable rule to the button:
Display button only when 1 to 3 records are selected.
5. Pass "SelectedControlSelectedItemIds" parameters(Crm Parameter) to our function.
As per my understanding, it is similar to when we pass executionContext to our function.
Then we should apply the enable rule to our command.
6. Result Test
As we can in screenshot, in Order Associated View, if I select two records,
then their id will be saved in an array, and the array is the passing parameter.
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