Let say you have 15 legal entity companies that operate similarly in AX2009 or 2012, each is currently there own dataareaid.
You are now doing a D365 implementation.
Has anyone ever setup there D365FO instance by creating 1 Legal entity and then creating a financial dimension called say "CorpID" that would allow you to record transactions by dimension against those 15 companies inside that 1 entity instead of entering entries into 15 individual legal entities?
Microsoft mentions it as not recommended but I'd be interested to see if anyone has gone down this road and what challenges they might have had?
"Although Financial Dimensions can be used to represent legal entities without creating the legal entities in Microsoft Dynamics AX, financial dimensions aren’t exactly designed to address the operational or business needs of legal entities. Before setting up financial dimensions as legal entities, evaluate business processes in the following areas to determine if this setup will work for the organization or not.
- Inventory
- Sales/purchases between financial dimensions and legal entities
- Sales tax calculation and reporting
- Operational reporting"
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