We installed web services, but it doesn't really seem to be installing in GP.
When we run the GP Web Services configuration Wizard, we have a question mark on functional currency verification. When we click next, it says "there are no companies setup at this time. In order to install Web Services, you must first setup a company."
The Stored Proc dbo.ws_getall_wsinstallstatus does exist in Dynamics DB.
We don't see tables in Dynamics DB - for example, wsinstallstatus.
We verified that all companies have a functional currency assigned and that the ISO code is setup, not duplicated, and a length of three.
We verified that all companies are in the master.dbo.sysdatabases table.
We've restarted the service.
We've verified all four URLs work as described in verify web services in the installation guide.
When we attempt to verify the Dynamics Security Service, it says "could not access the securityservice service.... The security object does not exist."
We've tried complete uninstall/reinstall. Sames results.
The account we are using for the installation is an admin.
We are installing web services actually on the SQL server.
Other ideas?