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Add images and video from external sources to email or form

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I am keen to know the best route for adding image and video content that is stored in external sources to the emails and forms .

I want a client to be able to easily use the designer view but not have to maintain the digital assets in D365 as they are already managed externally.

ANy suggestions welcome.


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Add images and video from external sources to email or form

    Hi Matt, 

    You can also drag and drop a video into the Page Designer as below. You can choose to Add New Video and it takes you to Quick create where you can add a URL. 
    The only code needed is to embed the video into the page to play right inside the Marketing page (from video content provider).

    Your suggestion sounds like it can work, but the video would open in original page. 

    Hope this helps, 


  • RE: Add images and video from external sources to email or form

    Hi Defne,

    Thanks for responding.

    If that’s the only way at the moment then that is fine for files(images)

    The video piece is an issue really. Is there no way to do what you do with image and not have to add the video to the video asset library.

    I am keen for the client not to have to use the html editor to do any of this.

    The closest I can see is adding an image for the video (as the thumbnail) then adding the video as the url?

    Is that correct?

    If it is, will that affect the click through analytics? I know it shouldn’t but I need to be sure.



  • Suggested answer
    RE: Add images and video from external sources to email or form

    Hi Matt, 

    Thank you for your question. 

    It is possible to add a video only to emails and Marketing pages, it is not possible to add it to a form.

    Here is how to add video content:

    And image can be added to email, page and form with placing the URL inside the editor:

    Hope this helps!

    Defne from D365 Marketing product team 

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