I have the following problem that I don't really understand. I have an event hook on the CustTable, which calls into a .NET class
[DataEventHandler(tableStr(CustTable), DataEventType::Updated)]
public static void CustTable_onUpdated(Common sender, DataEventArgs e)
CustTable ct = sender as CustTable;
var dispatcher = new Caller.Dispatcher();
My .NET class has the following method
public string Call(Dynamics.AX.Application.CustTable cTable)
However, the compiler complains
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Method 'Call(System.Object)' is not found on type 'Caller.Dispatcher'. ......
However, if I used this signature;
public string Call(Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.Common cTable)
It doesn't complain. If I have both methods, it will still call the Base (Common) one, rather than the CustTable method.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Thanks, Jason
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