I am trying to mirror a purchase order receiving process where material is unloaded from a truck to a staging area on a dock. At a later point in time material needs to be picked up and put away in its' rack location. We don't have the time or resources to establish stocking limits everywhere they are needed so I wanted to propose a two step approach where up front we create directives to get them to the correct area of the warehouse and then as time allows, establish limits.
For this process to work I first needed to establish a receipt to Stage - This part of the directive works perfectly. The second step - the putaway - is generating the work I would expect (all material is being sent to the first location in the range that the directive points to) BUT I can't manually intervene in the process to split where material is being put. Here is an example:
I receive a PO to a staging area for 30 cartons on one pallet. (Inventory UOM of carton). The user will pick up the pallet and drive to the area where the material belongs will look to fill a location where the material already exists and will put the remainder in an open location. This requires the user to be able to split the 30 cartons and override the putaway location.
Here lies the problem - when I perform the pick to putaway I can't override the quantity. When I put away, I can't override the quantity but can override the location. (My mobile device is set to allow split. My directive has been tried both with and without split checked).
Once a pick and putaway has been started can it be split?
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